OK, so I've been a bit slow off the mark .... but I'm thinking! This can take me a little while at times as I'm new to this! Not the thinking, just the blogging bit - I can think for England which is a pain in the proverbial sometimes ... maybe it's that thing about paralysis by analysis .... gets in the way in all sorts of areas so I've decided as my very lovely (and good) blogging cousin Immi suggests is to just write something as it comes along no matter how jumbled it may appear!
So here goes .....
Working as a psychologist and NLP trainer there's always this strange assumption that everything you do is 'sorted' and that you're in control of everything that comes along!! (At least in terms of what's going on between the ears!)
That can be a bit tiring a times (and downright wrong) and no matter how often you tell yourself that you know that's not the case, your unconscious mind pops up that because you 'know' how to deal with things then no matter what comes along you'll be ok .......
Why am I saying this you might be asking?
Well, I went to see the Counting Crows on the spur of the moment last night - I've seen them twice before, once in the US at a huge bowl of a setting somewhere 'in the middle America' (sorry, line from one of their songs!) - actually somewhere in Virginia where there were thousands of people and also at the Woverhampton Civic Hall, where I was about 5 meters from Adam Duritz (hairs on back of arm stood up big time with his voice there - amazing!) Bit of a difference!!
I didn't realise they were in the UK so when I happened to check emails at 6.30 last night there was a note about the American tour dates ... ramblings through their website (bit like this!) flashed up UK dates and I look at it - 23rd April THAT'S TODAY!! (Has a big significance for me that date other than St George's day but more of that later) - could I get to Hammersmith in time? You bet your ass I could, so a bit of frantic showering and persuading of Matt (didn't take much to be fair!) and we were off ......
So the reason I'm practicing my musings on this is that throughout the concert I was struck by how such a huge band in the 90's (August and Everything After is STILL my favourite album ever ... after all this time) could have maintained such a great song list, singer and musicians and yet fell out of favour .... and it comes back to how, no matter how well things can be, the mind can get in the way and stuff your plans up big time when you least expect it.....
This brings me (eventually) back to what started my train of thought on this - what is about our brain and mind that causes disruptions in our ability to function in an effect way? .....
More on this to follow ....
Love your musings Louise ... keep them coming !